Melamine, a traditional com.ponent of intumescent paints, has been classified and labelled as Carcinogenic Category 2.


All AITHON products are MELAMINE FREE. Why?

Melamine is one of the most traditional components of intumescent paints; it is a key component of almost all formulas used throughout the world since the sixties, but recently, there was scientific evidence that melamine may cause cancer and damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.For this reason, since 1 December 2023, melamine has been classified and labelled as Carcinogenic Category 2 – H351 (1).

Being identified by ECHA as a substance for which there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to the human health, on 7 February 2024, melamine has been also listed among the substances recommended for inclusion in Annex XIV(2) which lists Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and it was proposed to prioritise such inclusion (3).

Offering products to create a safe and healthy environment has been always our commitment; fire protection cannot be achieved to the detriment of the health of those who will live or work in that environment.

That’s why AITHON A90H, widely used to protect concrete structures in many countries, grants Class A+ air emissions and, like all our products, is MELAMINE FREE.1

(1) According to the harmonised classification and labelling (ATP18) approved by the European Union.

(2) Date when the 12th draft recommendation for inclusion in Annex XIV to the REACH Regulation was published on the ECHA website.

(3) ECHA – Draft background document for melamine of 7 February 2024